The Legendary Chris Farley: Top 10 Unforgettable Moments on SNL


Experience the hilarity of Chris Farley's best SNL moments. From motivational speaker Matt Foley to the Chippendales audition, it's non-stop laughs!

Chris Farley was one of the most beloved comedians of his time, and his work on Saturday Night Live will go down in history as some of the funniest moments ever captured on television. From his hilarious impressions to his unforgettable characters, Farley's impact on SNL is immeasurable. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best moments from Farley's time on the show and examine what made him such a comedic genius.

One of Farley's most iconic characters was Matt Foley, a motivational speaker who was anything but motivational. With his trademark catchphrases (living in a van down by the river!) and over-the-top physical comedy, Foley became an instant classic. Farley's ability to throw himself into a role and fully commit to its absurdity was on full display with this character, and it's no wonder that Foley remains one of the most memorable SNL sketches of all time.

Another standout moment from Farley's time on SNL was his portrayal of Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House. Farley's Gingrich was a larger-than-life figure, complete with exaggerated facial expressions and a booming voice. Despite the fact that Farley bore little physical resemblance to Gingrich, he managed to capture the essence of the politician in a way that was both hilarious and spot-on.

Of course, no discussion of Chris Farley's best moments on SNL would be complete without mentioning his legendary partnership with David Spade. The two comedians had a natural chemistry that was evident in every sketch they did together, whether they were playing bumbling salesmen or clueless talk show hosts. Farley's energy and Spade's deadpan delivery were the perfect combination, and their collaborations remain some of the most beloved moments in SNL history.

But Farley wasn't just a one-trick pony when it came to comedy. He was also a talented impressionist, and his impressions of celebrities like Jerry Garcia and Meat Loaf were both hilarious and surprisingly accurate. Farley's willingness to throw himself into these impressions, even if they weren't necessarily the most obvious choices, was a testament to his commitment to making people laugh.

One of the things that made Farley such a unique comedian was his physicality. He was a large man, but he never shied away from using his body as a comedic tool. Whether he was falling down stairs or jumping onto tables, Farley's physical comedy was always on point. And although his antics sometimes bordered on the dangerous (he once broke a table during a sketch and ended up with a concussion), there was no denying that he was a master of physical comedy.

Farley's impact on SNL was so great that even after his departure from the show, his characters continued to be beloved by audiences. When he passed away tragically in 1997, fans mourned not only the loss of a talented comedian but also the end of an era on SNL. But Farley's legacy lives on, and his best moments on the show remain some of the funniest and most memorable in its history.

In conclusion, Chris Farley was a comedic genius whose work on Saturday Night Live will never be forgotten. From his larger-than-life characters to his physical comedy, Farley brought a unique energy to the show that has yet to be matched. His partnership with David Spade remains one of the most iconic duos in SNL history, and his impact on the show and on comedy as a whole is immeasurable. Although he may be gone, his legacy lives on in the laughter he brought to millions of people around the world.


Chris Farley was a beloved actor, comedian, and writer best known for his work on Saturday Night Live (SNL). He was a master of physical comedy and had a unique ability to make people laugh with his larger-than-life personality. Farley's work on SNL is still celebrated today, and his legacy lives on. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best moments from his time on the show.

The Matt Foley Sketches

One of Farley's most iconic sketches on SNL was the character of Matt Foley, a motivational speaker who lived in a van down by the river. Farley's portrayal of Foley was over-the-top and hilarious, and he brought the character to life in a way that few others could. The sketch also featured David Spade and Christina Applegate as the hapless teenagers who were being scolded by Foley. This sketch has become one of the most famous in SNL history and is still quoted today.

Chippendales Dance-Off

Another memorable moment from Farley's time on SNL was his famous dance-off with Patrick Swayze in the Chippendales sketch. Farley played the unlikely dancer who was competing against Swayze for a spot in the male revue. Despite his lack of dance skills, Farley's sheer enthusiasm and dedication to the role made the sketch a classic. The scene where he lifts Swayze above his head is still an iconic moment in comedy history.

The Japanese Game Show

Farley was also known for his willingness to take on physical challenges on SNL, and one of his most memorable sketches was the Japanese game show parody. In this sketch, Farley played a contestant who had to answer questions while being subjected to various painful and absurd punishments. The sketch was a perfect showcase for Farley's physical comedy skills, and his ability to make even the most ridiculous situations hilarious.

The Zagat's Parody

Another classic Farley sketch was the Zagat's parody, where he played a restaurant critic who was more interested in stuffing his face than actually reviewing the food. Farley's character was loud, obnoxious, and hilarious, and the sketch featured some of his most memorable catchphrases, like Fatty doesn't like that! and If you don't like it, you can kiss my fat ass!

The Chris Farley Show

One of Farley's most beloved recurring sketches on SNL was The Chris Farley Show, where he played himself interviewing celebrities. Farley's character was nervous, awkward, and prone to going off on tangents, which made for some of the funniest moments on the show. The sketch also showcased Farley's talent for impressions, as he often mimicked the celebrities he was interviewing.

The Lunch Lady Land Song

Farley was also a talented singer, and one of his most famous musical performances on SNL was the Lunch Lady Land song. In this sketch, Farley played a cafeteria worker who sang about the joys and struggles of working in a school kitchen. The song was catchy and funny, and it showcased Farley's ability to create memorable characters.

The Chris Farley Memorial

Tragically, Farley passed away in 1997 at the age of 33. In the following episode of SNL, the cast and crew paid tribute to him with a touching memorial segment. The segment featured clips of Farley's most memorable sketches, as well as testimonials from his friends and colleagues. It was a bittersweet moment that highlighted the impact that Farley had on the show and on comedy as a whole.


Chris Farley was a one-of-a-kind talent, and his work on Saturday Night Live is still celebrated today. His ability to make people laugh with his physical comedy, impressions, and unique characters was unparalleled, and his legacy lives on. Whether he was playing Matt Foley, dancing in the Chippendales sketch, or singing about lunch ladies, Farley brought an infectious energy and joy to every performance. He will always be remembered as one of the greatest comedians of all time.
Chris Farley was one of the most iconic comedians in the history of Saturday Night Live (SNL), and his legacy continues to live on. Known for his larger-than-life personality, Farley made a name for himself with his outrageous characters, impeccable timing, and hilarious physical comedy. Today, we're taking a look at some of the best moments of Chris Farley on SNL.

1. Chris Farley's Iconic Portrayal of Motivational Speaker Matt Foley

One of the most memorable characters created by Chris Farley was undoubtedly motivational speaker Matt Foley. In this sketch, Farley played a down-on-his-luck motivational speaker who tries to scare teenagers straight. With his trademark intensity and physicality, Farley's portrayal of Foley became an instant classic.The sketch begins with David Spade and Christina Applegate playing two rebellious teenagers who are sent to talk to Matt Foley about their future. Foley, who is clearly unhinged, begins to berate the teenagers, telling them they'll end up living in a van down by the river. Farley's performance in this sketch is nothing short of genius, as he throws himself around the stage, shouting and gesticulating wildly.

2. The Hilarious Chippendales Sketch with Patrick Swayze

Another iconic moment in Chris Farley's SNL career was his appearance in the Chippendales sketch with Patrick Swayze. In this sketch, Farley and Swayze play two dancers auditioning for a spot in the Chippendales dance troupe. While Swayze is sleek and suave, Farley is anything but – in fact, he's downright awkward and clumsy.Despite his lack of dance skills, Farley gives it his all, thrusting his hips and gyrating wildly. The contrast between Swayze's smooth moves and Farley's over-the-top antics is what makes this sketch so hilarious. It's no wonder that this sketch has become one of the most beloved moments in SNL history.

3. Farley's Unforgettable Gap Girls Sketch with Adam Sandler

One of Chris Farley's most beloved characters on SNL was undoubtedly the Gap Girls, which he created alongside Adam Sandler. In this sketch, Farley and Sandler play two employees at The Gap who are constantly gossiping and snacking on donuts.Farley's character, in particular, is a standout – his high-pitched voice and penchant for over-exaggeration make every line he delivers absolutely hilarious. Whether he's talking about his love of donuts or trying to seduce a customer, Farley's performance in this sketch is pure comedic gold.

4. The Zagat's Sketch with David Spade and Christina Applegate

Another memorable moment in Chris Farley's SNL career was his appearance in the Zagat's sketch with David Spade and Christina Applegate. In this sketch, the three characters are reviewing a restaurant and can't seem to agree on anything.Farley's performance in this sketch is particularly noteworthy, as he plays a boisterous and opinionated food critic who can't stop talking about how much he loves the breadsticks. With his trademark physical comedy and larger-than-life personality, Farley steals the show in this sketch.

5. Farley's Uproarious Portrayal of Newt Gingrich

Chris Farley was known for his incredible impressions, and one of his most memorable was his portrayal of Newt Gingrich. In this sketch, Farley plays the former Speaker of the House, lampooning his bombastic personality and larger-than-life ego.Farley's performance in this sketch is nothing short of brilliant – he perfectly captures Gingrich's arrogance and bluster, while also showing off his impeccable timing and physicality. This sketch is a testament to Farley's versatility as a performer and his ability to inhabit a wide range of characters.

6. The Van Down By The River Sketch with David Spade

We can't talk about Chris Farley on SNL without mentioning the Van Down By The River sketch. In this classic sketch, Farley plays a motivational speaker named Matt Foley, who lives in a van down by the river.With his trademark intensity and physicality, Farley delivers a hilarious performance that has become one of the most iconic moments in SNL history. From his wild gesticulations to his over-the-top shouting, Farley's portrayal of Matt Foley is pure comedic genius.

7. Farley's Spot-On Impression of Jerry Garcia in the Grateful Dead Sketch

Another of Chris Farley's incredible impressions was his portrayal of Jerry Garcia in the Grateful Dead sketch. In this sketch, Farley plays Garcia, who is being interviewed by a group of stoners.Farley's impression of Garcia is spot-on – he perfectly captures the musician's laid-back personality and easygoing demeanor. With his signature comedic timing and physicality, Farley's performance in this sketch is nothing short of brilliant.

8. The Chris Farley Show Sketches with Paul McCartney and Jeff Daniels

One of the most beloved recurring sketches on SNL was the Chris Farley Show, in which Farley played an awkward talk show host who interviews celebrities. In these sketches, Farley's character is often starstruck and bumbling, making for some truly hilarious moments.Two of the most memorable Chris Farley Show sketches were the ones featuring Paul McCartney and Jeff Daniels. In these sketches, Farley's character can barely contain his excitement at the prospect of interviewing these celebrities, making for some truly hilarious moments.

9. Farley's Outrageous Japanese Game Show Sketch

In one of his most outrageous sketches, Chris Farley plays a contestant on a Japanese game show. In this sketch, Farley is put through a series of bizarre and painful challenges, all while wearing a ridiculous costume.Farley's physical comedy is on full display in this sketch, as he throws himself around the set and takes on increasingly absurd challenges. It's a testament to Farley's comedic prowess that he can make something as bizarre as a Japanese game show seem absolutely hilarious.

10. The Matt Foley Jr. Sketch with David Spade and Christina Applegate

Finally, we have the Matt Foley Jr. sketch, in which Farley plays the son of his iconic Matt Foley character. In this sketch, Farley's character is just as unhinged as his father, yelling and gesticulating wildly as he tries to motivate two teenagers.Once again, Farley's physicality and larger-than-life personality are on full display in this sketch, making for some truly hilarious moments. It's a fitting tribute to one of the greatest comedians in SNL history.


Chris Farley was a true comedic genius, and his legacy on SNL continues to inspire new generations of comedians. From his unforgettable characters to his incredible impressions, Farley was a once-in-a-lifetime talent who left an indelible mark on the world of comedy. These ten moments are just a small sampling of his incredible body of work, but they're a testament to his unique talent and his enduring legacy.

My Point of View on the Best of Chris Farley SNL

The Pros of the Best of Chris Farley SNL

The best of Chris Farley SNL is a collection of some of the funniest sketches that the legendary comedian performed during his time on Saturday Night Live. There are several pros to this collection that make it a must-watch for any fan of comedy:

  1. The humor is timeless - even though these sketches were performed over 20 years ago, they still manage to be funny today. Chris Farley's physical comedy and over-the-top acting style are just as entertaining now as they were back then.
  2. The variety of sketches - this collection includes sketches from all parts of Chris Farley's SNL career, from his early days as a cast member to his later appearances as a guest host. It's a great way to see how his comedic style evolved over time.
  3. The guest stars - many of the sketches in this collection feature other SNL cast members and guest hosts, including Adam Sandler, David Spade, Mike Myers, and Tom Hanks. The chemistry between Farley and these other performers is always electric.

The Cons of the Best of Chris Farley SNL

While there are many reasons to love the best of Chris Farley SNL, there are also a few cons that are worth mentioning:

  • It's not comprehensive - while this collection does include many of Farley's most iconic sketches, it's not a complete list of everything he did on SNL. Fans who are looking to see every sketch he ever performed will need to look elsewhere.
  • It's not for everyone - while Chris Farley was undoubtedly a talented comedian, his humor can be a bit polarizing. Some people find his physical comedy and over-the-top antics to be hilarious, while others find them to be grating or even offensive.

Table Comparison of Best of Chris Farley SNL

For those who are interested in the specifics of what's included in the best of Chris Farley SNL, here is a table comparison:

Sketch Year Co-Stars
Chippendales Audition 1990 Patrick Swayze
The Chris Farley Show 1990-1995 Various
Matt Foley: Motivational Speaker 1993-1997 David Spade
Bennett Brauer 1994 Various
Zagat's 1997 Various
The Chris Farley Show: Jeff Daniels 1996 Jeff Daniels
Gap Girls 1995 Adam Sandler, David Spade
Japanese Game Show 1997 Nancy Walls, Will Ferrell

Overall, the best of Chris Farley SNL is a hilarious and entertaining collection that showcases the comedic talent of one of the all-time greats. While it may not be for everyone, fans of comedy and SNL in particular will definitely want to check it out.

The Best of Chris Farley on SNL

As we come to the end of this article, we hope that you have enjoyed reliving some of the most hilarious moments from Chris Farley's time on Saturday Night Live. From his energetic and over-the-top performances to his memorable characters, he was truly a comedic genius who left a lasting impact on the world of entertainment.

Throughout his career on SNL, Farley brought a unique brand of humor that was both physical and absurd. He was known for his incredible energy and ability to completely immerse himself in each character he played, whether it was the lovable motivational speaker Matt Foley or the clumsy Chippendale dancer.

One of the reasons why Farley's performances on SNL were so beloved was because he was able to make audiences laugh without ever coming across as mean-spirited or offensive. His humor was always inclusive, and he had a talent for finding the joy in even the most ridiculous situations.

Another thing that made Farley such a standout performer on SNL was his willingness to take risks and push boundaries. He was never afraid to go all out with his physical comedy, often throwing himself around the stage or using props in unexpected ways.

Of course, no discussion of Chris Farley's time on SNL would be complete without mentioning some of his most iconic moments. From his legendary van down by the river sketch to his unforgettable performance in The Chris Farley Show, there are countless examples of his brilliance as a comedian.

But beyond just being funny, Farley was also an incredibly talented actor who could bring depth and nuance to his roles. In sketches like Hidden Camera Commercials and Lay Off Me I'm Starving, he showed that he had a real gift for character work and improvisation.

It's impossible to overstate the impact that Chris Farley had on comedy and pop culture as a whole. His performances on SNL helped to define an era of American humor, and his influence can still be felt today in the work of countless comedians who have followed in his footsteps.

So whether you're a longtime fan of Chris Farley or just discovering his work for the first time, we hope that this article has given you a new appreciation for his incredible talent and legacy. From his hilarious impressions to his unforgettable characters, he truly was one of a kind.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through some of the best moments from Chris Farley's time on SNL. We hope that you'll continue to enjoy his work for years to come, and that his spirit of joy and laughter will continue to inspire us all.

People also ask about the Best of Chris Farley SNL

Who was Chris Farley?

Chris Farley was an American comedian and actor known for his larger-than-life personality and physical comedy. He rose to fame as a cast member on Saturday Night Live in the early 1990s.

What is the Best of Chris Farley SNL?

The Best of Chris Farley SNL is a collection of some of the funniest skits and moments from Chris Farley's time on Saturday Night Live. It includes classic characters like Matt Foley, the motivational speaker, and Todd O'Connor from Bill Swerski's Superfans.

What are some of Chris Farley's best SNL skits?

Chris Farley was known for his physical comedy and over-the-top characters, so some of his best SNL skits include:

  1. Matt Foley, the motivational speaker
  2. Chippendales audition with Patrick Swayze
  3. Lunch Lady Land music video with Adam Sandler
  4. Zagat's restaurant guide with David Spade
  5. The Chris Farley Show with Paul McCartney

What made Chris Farley so funny?

Chris Farley was known for his physical comedy, which often involved him throwing himself around the stage and using his large frame to comedic effect. He also had an infectious energy and enthusiasm that made him impossible not to watch.

What happened to Chris Farley?

Chris Farley struggled with substance abuse throughout his life, and he tragically died of a drug overdose in 1997 at the age of 33.